
Add a comment at the bottom to leave feedback and queries.

130 responses to “Feedback”

  1. I am unable to change the rendering? I want to use the Street O view, but when I click on the boxes in the top left hand corner, nothing changes, I can still see the view with the Street names etc?

    • Hi Jackie, yes that’s the one big (and necessary) change from v3 – you only get the custom-rendered view when you “Save and get PDF”.
      To help with this, there’s a new “Preview” button in the top-right panel which will produce a map overlay using the style and rendering options you have selected.

    • Certain areas are rendered as pink out-of-bounds areas: building sites, schools for example. However, being able to interactively define new OOB areas is significant extra functionality. For now, a straightforward workaround is to import the rendered PDF into something like Inkscape where you can add custom-drawn objects.

    • You might be able to import the PDF output into OCAD, however oomap doesn’t have any dedicated functionality to export data for other mapping programs. You might be better off querying OpenStreetMap directly and importing that.

      • Attributes such that Ocad would recognize the objects as being of a certain (even if an unknown/undefined) symbol, or layers in the PDF so as one could turn on an off layers in Inkscape (or similar) would be just enough.

  2. Hi David, as far as I can tell roads mapped as driveways in OSM do not transfer to OOMap now, though I think they used to. In rural areas, particularly, driveways often provide access to footpaths, or at least are prominent enough for runners to get confused as to whether the road they come across is mapped or not. Could they be an option, as in the various point features you can choose to display, or mapped as thin lines, as service roads are.
    Many thanks

  3. Hi. Can I make a single donation to OOM on behalf of a running club (rather than pressing the buy a coffee button for either Ollie or David). And will I get a formal receipt for the running club accounts? Thanks.

  4. Hi David

    Thank you your great work on the site.

    Our club (MVOC) is just launching its Street O series for this year and would like to make a donation to you. Can you email me with details of how to make a bank transfer?

    Also, it would great to utilise the club logo element, can this be done for MVOC please?


  5. after opening map, setting centre point then start then on to controls, by the time i get to setting control 6 the map on th left of the screen keeps going smaller so that the colums on the right ( contros etc) get wider so prt of the map is hidden behind ie the map now occupies 40% width of screen and columns >60 as more controls added. this is the same whether i use my lap top or pc, it only seems to have happened with V4, so i cant understand

  6. I am unable to print the pdf map. In the past this was not a problem but I now get at “ERROR unknown style” message

    • Hi Rorry,
      I can see a couple of saved maps of yours with style=”undefined” instead of streeto, oterrain, etc. Not exactly sure how that’s happened but if it happens again, you should be able to fix this by switching the style (using the top-left map icons) from “StreetO” to “PseudO” and then back to “StreetO”. Let me know if that doesn’t work.

    • To clarify the problem, it is when I try to save the pdf before printing that I get the error message, not when i try to print.

      • Hopefully my tip should still work.
        Before pressing the “Save & get PDF map” button, what URL is shown in the browser navigation bar? It should start “”.
        If you can provide the exact steps to get “undefined” instead of “streeto” (or a get PDF error) I can see if I can get the same – and then fix it.

        • Thank you. I set it to Street O and it worked, then set it back to Pseudo O and I got what I needed. The URL did show undefined originally. Problem solved!

  7. Why do we no longer have the “Pseud’O” rendering like an IOF standards card please? It was really great for beginners! (example where I tried with several internet browsers: Bressuire in France)

    • Hi Nicolas,
      That should still work – and I can see a saved map (653fc13191542) which renders OK? The big change is that the web map no longer shows the orienteering rendering, just the default openstreetmap view. That’s a necessary change in the way the site works but you can still preview the Pseudo render – try the “Preview” button at the top-right.
      Something else to note – definitely use the “LIDAR-5” or “LIDAR-10” contours in preference to the SRTM or GLO-30 ones as they’re much higher quality and cover all of France.
      If you’re still having issues please post the mapid that you’ve saved, and what you expect to see and I’ll take another look.

  8. When I create the pdf from the base an existing tarmac footpath which is long established and shows on the base disappears. We have tried to change the properties on osm but this does not produce any change even after several days wait.

  9. Hello,
    Thank you very much for the great tool. We recently used it to organize a club championship in Germany and it was a lot of fun.
    We would like to organize MTB-O events next year. The basis is very good. However, the details need to be checked again and, above all, the route signatures need to be adapted.
    So my question is whether there is any way of exporting the data to Ocad, for example, in order to change the route classification there?

  10. Hello David
    In sorting out our next Maprun, the original map of two weeks ago, showed no fences, now after loading into Maprun and using the purple pen file the final map is showing fences in built up areas, which have no significance whats so ever but they could be easily mistaken for paths. Just look so messy. Have these been turned on recently. I tried another area and again its showing fences. I went into open street map and looked at these and the source is Bing. It does appear that the problem may be with Open Street Map, but you could turn this feature off.

  11. Hi David,
    Trying to export XML for use with UsynligO. Though it exports fine, it won’t load in UsynligO and on opening the XML file, there is a ‘ no-name’ issue on ‘Line 7’.
    Any thoughts?

  12. Hi,
    I’d like to ask you a question, but I’d like to say that I think your creation tool is very well done, it’s great!
    I’m French and I love orienteering.
    I was wondering if it would be possible to add a new map style, more in line with French orienteering maps (with a few changes in color and line thickness).
    Does my idea seem feasible?
    If so, I’d love to contribute, but I don’t know how to code.
    Would there be a more or less simple way for me to change or make the colors and symbols available to you?
    Thank you in advance for your reply,
    Best regards,

  13. For a linear course, is it possible to bend lines (maybe a couple of times) between controls. I am preparing a walking course for disadvantaged youngsters so I would like to show the route to walk between control sites. The alternative is (I guess) to put a control at each direction change.

  14. Hi David,
    Minor error (I think) in the XML production
    when adding controls. If you place either the Start or Finish first, this adds both the start and finish at the same place – I assume this is by design as it is common to have them colocated. However the XML file assignes a ‘s’ to both the start and finish. In the course section of the file, the last control is Type=finish but the Control number is ‘s’. If you then add a new Finish elsewhere the XML is as expected. To add the finish at the same location you need to click elsewhere then move it over the start control (can’t click on the same location).

    Thanks – other than this love what you do with OpenOrienteeringMap!











    • Thanks Michael. This *might* be by design but to be honest I can’t remember… I think my logic was that the “S”-labelled control starts the course as “Start” but then can later be used as “Finish”, regardless of what its label is. The key though is that the export works (or not) in UsylingO as that’s the intended destination. Happy to hear whether that’s the case, and tweak as necessary.

      • Hi David. Can’t speak for UsylingO (havent used it for ages) but, in general, I would think the Finish control should still be labelled as F regardless if it is co-located (matching what happens if you actually separate the two – it would be something I’d expect if I was using this format in any other application, but I don’t know if this would be likely to ever occur. I’m finishing up an ‘Import into PPEN” app For KMLs, IOFXMLs and GPX files. GPX from OpenOrienteeringMap is the only one that causes an issue due to ending with two Starts and no finishes. Having said that, it is really an edge case and can be fixed in PPEN so not likely to impact seriously. I could identify a GPX from this source and look for this but likely not worth the extra code!

  15. Sorry – in the last replay I wrote ‘GPX’ which should have been XML (iofXML v3) format. I could see people using this XML in other systems so might be a bit more confusing to users than I thought. Can’t paste the actually xml in here I believe.

  16. Hi David (again). I noticed item 17 above (from Ian Cooper) regarding doing more complex map/courses. Way way back I wrote up a procedure to use OOM to provide a georeferenced map for OpenOrienteering Mapper and then Purple Pen. With all the updates in all these products I revisited things (and found some changes where I could remove work-arounds for incompatibilities and bugs) and updated the process. If you have a chance to review and let me know if you see any issues.

    I’ve used this many times to allow for making multiple courses in PP and producing KML files for MapRun Events. PP can use a PDF map file but not any georeferencing in the file as it just converts to an image). I had not realized that, although OOMapper can use a PDF (including the geo info), PP cannot use the OCAD or OMAP file as a map – the PDF template portion appears blank). The way around this is to use the JPG and World File. Link is at in the second para. Might be useful for some??

  17. Salut, l’export XML est du XML simple.
    Pour la fabuleuse appli française VIKAZIMUT, il faut du XML 3.0.
    Sur l’aide, il est noté que c’est ça mais à l’export, c’est du XML simple…

    • Hi, the XML export is designed to work with UsylingO, and is written to be compliant with IOF 3.0 XML standards. What errors/issues are you seeing? Can you adjust the XML export to make it compatible with VIKAZIMUT? If you can, then I can potentially update the export function to match.

    • Hi Pauly, yes no problem at all – the map data is “open data, licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) by the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF). You are free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt our data, as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors.”. Any contour data is covered under a separate but similar licence.
      So – please keep the attributions as printed on the map. Beyond that, please generate and use maps as you see fit 😀.

    • Hi Matt,
      No, not currently. The easiest option is probably to design a legend graphic for the two main styles used (StreetO and PseudO) and make these available for download – I’ll add it to the list of things to do.

  18. This is the error I get:
    Internal Server Error
    The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

    Please contact the server administrator at to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error.

    More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

  19. Hi, I’m just getting started with this, so this might be easy or impossible.

    I’m trying to arrange a course on Cockfield Fell, OSM doesn’t have any of the gorse bushes currently mapped, so i’m planning on adding them to OSM. When I add them as scrub (which I think is correct??) they show as green diagonal dashes on your map rendering – this is fine for large patches, but for small patches, because of the small size, the diagonal pattern doesn’t show up. Is there a way to manually change the rendering of scrub to make it more obviously ‘fight’.

    • Hi Andy,
      “natural = scrub” is typically used for larger areas so I don’t propose changing the default rendering for this. However it should be possible to manually edit the map after rendering. If you open the PDF in something like Inkscape, you should be able to select (either manually or in bulk) all the gorse areas, and change from a pattern fill to a solid fill with a colour of your choice. Another option might be to bring in a satellite image layer temporarily into Inkscape and use it to add gorse blobs by hand?
      Also worth noting that Oomap’s primary aim is to facilitate urban events and it’s unlikely to ever be a more general-purpose O-map generator – at some stage you may wish to generate a “proper” map. E.g. there are some interesting terrain features on Cockfield Fell that aren’t picked out by my smoothed contour generation.

  20. Hi David
    I wonder if you could help with guidance as to how or if it is possible to edit / update an OOMap?
    For background we are intending to put on a London Street O next winter using West Greenwich and Isle of Dogs. The only problem is the Greenwich foot tunnel (which is a bit crucial!), and I think a couple of other important footbridges aren’t shown on the OOMap! Is it possible for us (or you to add them?
    Many Thanks
    David Lobley

    • Hi David,
      I’ll take a look – good to know there’s a bit of time before it’s needed! For various technical reasons water gets pasted in fairly late in the process so it might be obscuring some of your key features. You can recover this post-PDF generation – open it in Inkscape, change the display mode to “Outline” which will show the hidden objects. Select these and choose Object –> Raise to top. Watch out for other oddities if doing this though as Inkscape can sometimes get the layering wrong for other objects.

      • Hi David, try now – is the rendering improved? I’ve made a number of changes to the various layers and the contour overlay logic which I hope will have fixed your issue without introducing too many new ones.

  21. Bonjour, j’ai vu qu’il était possible de passer en vue satellite aérienne sur la carte. Serait-il possible de lavoir en export satellite vue du ciel ?

    • [Hello, I saw that it was possible to switch to aerial satellite view on the map. Would it be possible to have it in satellite export seen from the sky?
      Thank you]
      Hi, thanks for asking. I don’t have any plans to add the ability to have the satellite view as the exported background map (unless you can persuade me that this would be useful in general?). However, if you want to run an app-based orienteering course then for example MapRun can be set to use a satellite overlay as the map – would that work?

  22. Hey! Great site.
    I’m having a bit of issues with ponds disappearing after rendering. Any ideas?


    • This was one of the unintended consequences of Saturday’s changes! In your case the ponds were overlaid with a larger “nature reserve” area, so although they were on the map, they were buried by an area of green. I have made some changes as a quick fix that should resolve this issue but I will return to this and do a proper job in due course.

  23. It looks like fences are not always displayed in the default style. There are some closed way parks that have barrier=fence that are not rendered near open ways that are barrier=fence that do show up correctly as fences

  24. Hello, I would like to make a PseudO map of the Bormujos area (Seville, Spain). But it doesn’t load that area or any other as a Pseudo Map. Could you tell me if it’s my fault or the system’s?

    • Hi Juan,
      This is a change in behaviour which enables up-to-date global mapping. Until you either “Save and get PDF map” or generate a preview, you will only see the default OpenStreetMap rendering. The final PDF/JPG/etc will be rendered using your choice of style. There’s more detail in the other “help” pages here.

  25. I’ve just discovered OOmap and it looks like a great tool for setting up introductory taster sessions. Three queries: 1) can I add the control descriptions to the map, or do i need to just print separately? 2) can i create line courses, or just Score? 3) can i add any graphics (e.g., club logo and URL)? Many thanks!

    • Thanks Katherine.
      1) No, not directly using oomap. Various indirect options are available though, including adding these to the map as an overlay using Purple Pen or a more generic editor such as Inkscape, printing the descriptions to a pdf and adding to the back of the map, etc. I tend to use the Inkscape method – see here for an example.
      2) Line courses – yes! Click on the “Rendering options” button at top-right, you can then check the “Linear course” option.
      3) Graphics – again, see 1). One exception is that oomap can automatically add a club logo to the top-right of the map, see here for details.

  26. I’m just making some changes on OpenStreetMap to some new housing estates on the west side of Maidstone, and came across one item (Tree Row) that previous mappers have added, that doesnt come across into OOMap. Hedges convert nicely, but the lines labelled as Tree Row do not.
    No bother to me (for my mapping purposes) – but you might have come across it elsewhere too, and are considering if it is useful or not.

    • Thanks JC.
      In general I’d assume a “tree row” was easily passable, and since most individual trees aren’t mapped then not showing these would be fine. I think I’ve found your examples though and at least some do look impassable. I’d be tempted to *also* tag these with barrier=hedge to highlight this and as a side-effect, they would then show up on oomap.

  27. We’re seeing a strange layering issue when displaying water bodies. Previous maps from older events show the water polygons, but trying to recreate these maps today (in PseudO and FutureCity) omits them. The ways themselves have mostly not been edited in 5-8 years. The water bodies in non-residential seem unaffected.

    There is an example at
    With the previous map at

    Is this related to the recent changes in

  28. Hi David, there is still an issue rendering water features I think. See this as an example on Cockfield Fell. 6649c49b89a1d

    When I downloaded that map a few months ago it had various ponds, and they don’t display now. Nothing has changed on Open Street Map. Thank you for anything you can do to help.

    • Hi Andy,
      Sorry about that – there are some complexities where different areas overlap – which gets rendered first? “pond” goes on top of “heath” but some things go on top of “pond”… I have reordered a few things so your case should now work. Hopefully it hasn’t broken too much else.

  29. Hi David,

    I thought I recalled from a while ago a listing showing what features in OSM were rendered into the various style option on OOM, but I can’t find it now. I am just trying to get a thin block of wood to show green on the OOM render, but haven’t worked it out yet. Do you have that list, or a tip as to what to set my woods in OSM to render on OOM?

    Many thanks,

  30. I’ve come across a minor issue. The ability to rotate the map such that north is no longer at the top of the map is a great feature and this allowed me to create a map that maximized the runnable area with a rotation of ~45 degrees. There are two consequences of this:
    1. The positioning of the control numbers no longer corrsponds to the angle specified when setting up the control, or at least that angle is based off the north angle not off the map angle, so in this case it’s off by ~45 degrees. That wasn’t a big deal, it just seemed a bit weird and I didn’t put two and two together until the second problem came up.
    2. “Do not cross” markers no longer look like an X but instead like a verical/horizontal cross. These don’t appear to allow rotation when setting up, so these look quite odd on the map.

    Example here with 3 controls labelled 0, 45 and 90 to make it obvious:

    Not a big deal but I thought it worth logging.

    • Hi John,
      Thanks for flagging. 1- This behaviour is actually deliberate, while accepting that it isn’t always perfect. For example, if you rotate the map after placing some controls & labels, the absolute position of the labels doesn’t move on the map – otherwise you’d have to reposition all of them.
      2- The crosses on the other hand are wrong (or at least not as shown in the preview) – I’ll add that to the to-do list.

          • Another thought about this (part 1).

            I still believe that the control number label rotation angle should be relative to the page orientation rather that north as it’s really quite unintuitive (to me at least).

            I agree that if you rotated the map after placing controls you’d likely want to rotation of the labels to stay fixed versus the map but I think that that should be achieved by updating the angles rather than by defining the angles to be relative to north.

            The underlying data could of course use map north as the rotation angle (as is the case now) but instead of displaying that in the UI transform this to/from page angle when displaying/updating in the UI.

            Just a suggestion!

  31. Hello I not sure is this just me, but it seems that the KMZ file also contains the controls, ie when uploaded onto Maprun there are two circles at every control. I’m having to delete the controls and then do a fresh KMZ.

    • Hi Dave, check if you’ve turned on the “Show course on kmz export” option on the “Rendering options” dialog. If that doesn’t solve it, let me know and I’ll investigate further.

  32. Please add Luxembourg OC to the list of clubs that appear in the drop down. I can email you an attachment with the Club logo if you give me an email contact address.

  33. Hi – is there any constraint that makes 1:4000 the smallest (largest?) scale? I am creating some courses for children, and end up zooming in on the output pdf before printing. But this is means the checkpoint labels are oversized and if can be confusing which label belongs to which point.

    • Hi James, there’s no technical reason why 1:4,000 is the largest scale; for practical reasons (to keep the UI manageable) the available scales are however limited to those most used.
      There is one relatively easy workaround: Design your map as if for say 1:2,000 (so only use the middle quarter of a 1:4,000 map area). Create the PDF. Just under the rendered map on the left hand side is some very small text, for example:|paper=0.297,0.210|scale=4000|centre=6772967,-26308|title=Scaling%20test|eventdate=|club=none|id=67324a5236e49|start=6773079,-26365|finish=|crosses=|cps=|controls=1,45,6773048,-26224,2,45,6772956,-26039,3,45,6772815,-26065,4,45,6772750,-26410,5,45,6772933,-26577|rotation=-0.0161|grid=yes|rail=yes|walls=no|trees=yes|hedges=yes|drives=no|fences=no|sidewalks=no|schools=no|power=yes|privroads=yes|linear=no|dpi=150|purple=EE11FF
      Copy this and then manually edit to change the scale, eg to give:|paper=0.297,0.210|scale=2000|centre=6772967,-26308|title=Scaling%20test|eventdate=|club=none|id=67324a5236e49|start=6773079,-26365|finish=|crosses=|cps=|controls=1,45,6773048,-26224,2,45,6772956,-26039,3,45,6772815,-26065,4,45,6772750,-26410,5,45,6772933,-26577|rotation=-0.0161|grid=yes|rail=yes|walls=no|trees=yes|hedges=yes|drives=no|fences=no|sidewalks=no|schools=no|power=yes|privroads=yes|linear=no|dpi=150|purple=EE11FF
      Paste that back into your browser and a rescaled map should pop out.
      Some of the symbol sizing is scale-specific but I don’t think that’s a big deal.

  34. Hi Dave,
    Firstly this application just keeps getting better and better! For rogaine type street event, the organizer was asking if OOM could produce the map in basic open street view (no orienteering overlays), The help is a bit unclear, stating “There are three main options, plus the standard view” while, unless I missed it, there does not seem to be a way to deselect any of the view style options. I realize that the main role of OOM is not to produce plain street view maps but I can see how, given how easy it is to use, it might be something more people could use.

    • Thanks Michael.
      The only 4 options are those shown in the menu – “Futurecity” is the closest to a more typical map view.
      The standard OSM view is actually quite complex and I don’t think its current styling technology is compatible with the relatively old-school way that oomap works. It’s also not easily possible/sensible to grab the underlying OSM bitmaps; that’s not how oomap works and anyway the resulting printout would be very poor quality.
      I don’t see adding an OSM-style view getting onto the list of priorities – sorry!

  35. I’m trying to make a simple campus map and have run into the problem of lakes not appearing with the PseudO rendering.

    I think the issue here is the treatment of the OSM ‘University’ layer. By way of example

    Map ID 67494858c0ea8
    shows 2 controls at water bodies, one inside a University layer and the other outside.

    Only the water body outside the University renders properly.


    • Hi Tony,
      Sorry about that – yes, another “getting the objects layered in the right order” issue. Thanks for providing all the useful detail!
      I’ve tweaked the style and it should now be better, and as a bonus the wooded areas are now rendered similarly to how they appear on the main openstreetmap rendering.
      Hopefully I haven’t broken too many other things…

  36. Thanks David, the tweak has worked perfectly.

    And I’ve learnt a bit about OSM layers and found a few useful things (in particular about scales) in this feedback forum.



  37. Hi- I often run events that need a smaller scale that 1:4000 and hence use a smaller portion of the map expanded to A4. The issue is that the controls then become oversized. Would it be a lot of work to add a 1:2000/1:3000 scale?

  38. Hi is it possible to add a toggle foe excluding buildings? I know the Street-O version already excludes them but I like the aesthetics and details fothe Pseud-O version, but it is very busy with every single house displayed in a suburban area.
    Also is it possible to add Garingal Orienteers and Far North Orienteering (part of Adventure Sport North Queensland) to the available clubs?

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