Oomap uses mapnik to produce its maps, and its maps are invariably orientated with True North up. Therefore all the area symbols, labels and so on are orientated the same way, and it’s very difficult to change. That’s fine, until you want an orienteering map that’s aligned to magnetic North, and you live somewhere where magnetic North and true North don’t align. This is what you get:

I’ve been struggling with working out a sensible way of realigning the symbols. While labels can be rotated, I’ve not been able to find a way of rotating patterns such as the vineyards and cultivated land as shown above.
Instead, it turns out to be easier to rotate the map data instead, then draw the map, then rotate it again to its final angle…

So, if you live somewhere with lots of vineyards and orchards, and where your compass points the wrong way – maps should now look better.